27 January 2012

week links

I did some internetting this week, and here's what I found...
  • If you live under a rock you may have missed this Colberty Tale. Amazing! Except why do old people have to hate everything new?
  • The Super Bowl is next weekend! If this insane dip turns you off, try one of these (actually) delicious looking alternatives instead...
  • I'm totally jealous of this winter picnic, but not enough to have my own...
  • Wouldn't one of these lamps be perfect for a small room?
  • Winter is still in full swing (whatever that means these days), but for retailers it's over. So check out the sales, sales, sales! (Still not cheap, be warned.)
  • I, on behalf of Jasper, indulged a little owl obsession with this, this, and this! Maybe it's the insomniac in me, but I love the thought of little owls looking over the forest while everyone else sleeps. Or maybe I'm just a creep who likes watching people sleep. I do like watching people sleep...
Yeah, on that note...have a great weekend and I'll see you on Monday!

1 comment:

  1. winter picnic...omg amazing...but seriously who has time to wrap all those sandwiches so nicely...definetly not me! mine would all be squeezed into a not so pretty tuberware or ziplock baggies...definetly not as cool..boo to me
